बिहार आपूर्ति सेवा संघ

(राज्य सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त )

प्रस्वीकृति सं -प्र. ३ म. २-०४ /८८-५७२९ दिनांक १६.१०.१९९०

आपूर्ति लोक , बी. १/अ-२२, मौर्या लोक काम्प्लेक्स, पटना-८००००१

1.The Essential Commodities Act,1955
2.The Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act,1980
3.Consumer Protection Act,1986
4.Petroleum Act,1934
5.Explosive Act,1884
6.The National Food Security Act,2013
7.Right to Infomation Act,2005
8.Right to Public Service Act,2011
9.Food Safety and Standard Act,2006


Bihar Supply Service Association

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